Tag: Red Hook Justice Center

Court System, Red Hook Justice Center

Justice Center celebrates Bridging the Gap birthday, by Sarah Matusek

Bridging the Gap co-leaders, Sabrina Carter and Gleacy Mejia, take the podium at Brooklyn Borough Hall. Photo by George Fiala. The woman wears a laurel crown and a long white robe. Though serene, she cradles an ax. Beneath her feet, a motto in outdated Dutch reads: Unity makes strength. This old flag commemorates Brooklyn’s stint as an independent city in the […]

Red Hook Justice Center

Judge Judith S. Kaye’s lasting legacy in Red Hook, by Kimberly Gail Price

In the early 1990s, Red Hook was on the edge of a dangerous precipice. Riddled with crime, drugs and gangs, several important influences were taking shape and coming together to alter the course of the neighborhood’s future. These quiet movements were suddenly awakened by the unfortunate murder of PS 15’s beloved principle, Patrick F. Daly. In his final moments and […]

Court System

Familiar Red Hook face becomes Criminal Court Judge, by Amanda Berman, Esq., Red Hook Community Justice Center

We are thrilled to announce that Karen Gopee, Court Attorney at the Red Hook Community Justice Center, was recently appointed to serve as a NYC Criminal Court Judge.   Karen served as Judge Calabrese’s Court Attorney since 2006, playing a critical role in the Court as well as the community over the past nine years. Karen brought to her work […]