Day: May 15, 2017

Red Hook Houses, Transportation

Discounted Citi Bike membership available for NYCHA residents, by Nathan Weiser

Citi Bike, the bike sharing company that has taken over New York City in the last few years, has stations at 14 different locations in Red Hook, many of which are in close proximity to our NYCHA developments. Everyone who lives in the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Red Hook Houses is eligible for a $5 a month discounted […]

Music, Waterfront

Indie Pop-Up Concert Gets Red Hook Debut, by Sarah Matusek

Leo Liebeskind, the front man of rock and roll band Lovechild, breathed on his fingers to heat them up. “We hope everyone’s warm enough,” he told the audience from center stage, shouldering his guitar with a star-spangled strap. “We sort of are.” The audience laughed, their coats and scarves still on. On Saturday’s cold and rainy night, Lovechild and two other […]