Day: July 10, 2020



Good Shepherd Services Urges Mayor to Rethink Budget Ahead of Next Week’s Deadline  1,300 Red Hook Youth and Neighbors Lose Vital Community Center Brooklyn, New York – As a result of the Mayor’s Executive Budget proposal eliminating the Beacon, Cornerstone, School’s Out NYC (SONYC) and COMPASS programs, in Red Hook, the Joseph Miccio Cornerstone Community Center was forced to shut its doors on […]


Red Hook votes, by Nathan Weiser

Tuesday, June 23 was election day in Red Hook and PS 15 (71 Sullivan Street) and the Miccio Community Center (110 West 9th Street) were two locations that Red Hook residents could go and vote. A popular way to vote during this pandemic we are in has been to vote via absentee ballot. Another way people have voted was on […]


RHAP and 676 soldier on

The Red Hook Art Project (RHAP) pivoted very soon after the COVID-19 pandemic and like so many other institutions began to offer virtual programing. RHAP provides free visual art, music, academic and stress management instruction after school to Red Hook students. Their classes are intentionally small, and they strive to give each student individual attention during each class. Special attention […]


Red Hook’s Justice Parade

In case you’ve been sleeping for the past six weeks, the United States has undergone yet another transformation. No, I’m not talking about the pandemic, although it could be that it is the disaster of COVID, combined with a really sick example of police brutality towards a black person, that has pushed the civil rights/social justice movement to what seems […]


Phase 2 of Reopening Has Finally Begun in Brooklyn

Local businesses are beginning to open back up after being months of being shut down due to coronavirus. Salons and barbershops can now reopen, and I was able to get my first haircut in over three months. They are only allowed to have 50 percent of maximum occupancy for both employees and customers but are already getting lots of business […]


Remembering Joe Ferris

Earlier this week, former Assemblymember Joe Ferris, who was my predecessor Jim Brennan’s predecessor, passed away.  He was 85. Ferris was elected to the Assembly in 1974 and served for 10 years until Jim was elected in 1984. Joe Ferris had a profound impact on the politics of Brooklyn and New York City and was a fierce advocate for independence […]