Author: George Fiala


Column: Judging Eric Adams by tweet, by George Fiala

I’ve been wanting to write a column about Eric Adams for quite a while. I met him a few times when he was our Borough President, and frankly, I thought he was perfect at that job, which is basically a figurehead position. BP’s used to have real governing powers back when there was a Board of Estimate running the city, […]



After ten years working for a Brooklyn community news-paper publisher  I started my own business in 1988. My company, Select Mail, provided, as I dubbed it with my first sign, “Computerized Public Relations and Marketing.” This was somewhat of a new idea back then, as businesses were only just beginning to replace type-writers with desktop computers. My boss at the […]


The importance of refreshing, by George Fiala

A very long time ago I tried to keep my marriage going with counseling. The main effect of that was to make me stop talking to her during the week, saving it all up for the weekly session. I’m not saying this was a good thing, what I am saying is that this monthly column reminds me of it in […]


Column by George: All hail our new Civic Association!

I‘ve often written that Red Hook needs an organization that represents the viewpoints of everyone in our pretty unique community. An institution that presents our views to the rest of the world, including those outside entities looking to change things here, including real estate developers, government agencies and large corporations. Also a place where our local politicos can come and […]

Column, News

Column: NYC apartments were never really affordable, by George Fiala

The new beautiful people who love to equate social justice with unconstrained real estate development love to say that everybody could get a great place to live whereever they want if only developers were allowed to build anyplace they wanted to, as tall as they like. If you don’t believe me, go to the website of the supposed non-profit, Open […]

Environment, Gowanus, News

Public Place battle tamped down by EPA scientist, by George Fiala

After the revelation last month about a provocative letter sent by some Gowanus Superfund Community Advisory Group (CAG) to EPA heads, some thought that the next monthly meeting would be filled with fireworks (see our last issue). However, Chief Engineer Christos Tsiamis, who has been providing updates to the project almost every month for the past dozen years, diffused all […]