Member Directory

Roderick Thomas is an NYC based writer filmmaker

Rachel Aherin is a writer with degrees from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and Hunter College's Creative Writing MFA program. She currently lives in Brooklyn, where she obsesses about her very independent dog and very needy houseplants and is hard at work on her first novel.

Piotr Pillardy is an arts/music writer for the Red Hook Star-Revue. He received a BA in History of Art and History from Cornell University and lives in Brooklyn

Mariam Bazeed is an Egyptian immigrant, writer, and performance artist living in a rent-stabilized apartment in Brooklyn. They have an MFA in Fiction from Hunter College. An alliteration-leaning writer of prose, poetry, plays, and personal essays, Mariam has been the recipient of multiple writing and performance fellowships and residencies. Their first play, Peace Camp Org, has visited three festival stages and two continents, and is available in anthology from Oberon Books, UK